As much as I LOVE working with all of you on this swap, I do have a life. Hee Hee. I really need to know when you have received your aprons so I can check them off my list and rest easier at night and not worry that someone out there still doesn't have their apron.
I hate to have to be looking at these numbers but there are still 2 people that haven't contacted me about sending off their aprons. I also know that their partners haven't received them either. Please, if you haven't contacted me about sending off your apron, do contact me. If you have run into trouble, I am sure we can work something out.
I am also waiting to hear back from 57 of you about when you received your apron. I know that several of the aprons were sent out this week so if you haven't got it yet, don't despair, it should be on it's way. If you have received your apron but just haven't let me know yet, please check in and tell me.
P.S. I like e-mails and like posts here to let me know, but PLEASE, which ever way you choose to let me know, attach your name. Web names don't help me and just your blog addy isn't enough to trigger my poor memory. Remember there are 170 you and I have trouble remember my children's names. hee hee Thanks for your help.
Stitched up a couple of handy towels for Autumn...
5 months ago
I still have not received an apron. But I am concerned that my partner did not received the apron I sent to her in Feb. I have seen nothing about Jen E. receiving her apron. Hope it's not lost out there.
I wrote you when I recieved mine and UPS confirmation that my partner recieved hers on Feb 28. But I have not heard that she actually has recieved it.
Thank you for all your hard work hosting this swap.
Lorrie Lubecki
I did recieve mine, and I love it!
I received mine this week and blogged about it but did forget to let you know. I saw on my partner's blog that she received hers but thinks it is from someone else. That's all ok, she finally got it and that's all that matters.
Thanks again for doing the swap.
I emailed you the I sent and recieved my aprons, but I'll post to let you know again! My partner also posted pics of her apron, so she got it! Thanks for all your work making this happen.
oops, forgot to add that I'm Mellissa A. Thanks!
I received mine!
Randi D.
I don't have mine yet... (Addie B.)
I don't remember if I told you that I got mine or not, but I have, just in case I didn't tell you :) (Jennifer Johnston)
I think I've done this before, but just in case....I did send mine middle of Feb to partner although have not heard anything, so I would love to know if she did indeed get it. Have not received mine yet.
I know this is probably the worst part of the swap for you, but thank you so much for all you're doing!
Sarah S.
Hi Lucy,
My partner, Rebecca L. did receive her apron.
Also, I received mine from Mary W.
Thanks a bunch!
* Allison F.
Hi Lucy,
I am still waiting to receive my apron.
I know my partner Dianna A recieved the apron I sent to her via your email.
I sent mine out and it has been received by Sonia in England. I received mine over a week ago, and I *think* I posted here, but just in case, here it is again.
Lovely swap! I'll be signing up for the next round, but not until April 1 ;-)
My partner (Frieda Z.) has received hers and I received an email from you last week letting me know that mine has been mailed.
Thanks for all of your hard work :)
Heather B.
I received mine today!!
Aimee K
I received my beautiful apron today! I will be posting it on my site shortly.
Sue Ann C.
I sent my apron to one of the Non-Bloggers on March 1st, so I don't know if she has recieved it (Michele J.). I have not received mine as of yet. (Jenni S.). I am more concerned about Michele than I am about myself. Can you let me know if she got it? jl_speer at sbcglobal dot net. thanks.
I am pretty sure I told you when I sent and I also did receive!
Thanks for organizing this. Quite an undertaking!
I got my apron from Amanda ( and it's gorgeous!! I don't know if my swap partner recieved her apron (she's a non blogger - Leslie M) but it was sent out about a month ago.
I'm so sorry - I was so busy baking in my new apron that I forgot to tell you I received it and it is GORGEOUS!! I received it a couple days before March 1st.
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