Your partners have been picked and double checked. I hope there are no mistakes.
I am sending them out tonight as fast as I can.
This is the exciting part.
You are welcome to checkout everything you can about your partner.
Please do not contact them and tell them who you are until the apron is on it's way.
You are welcome to post about your apron on your blog but leave their name out. It is meant to be a surprise. When you send the apron, please include your name and information so they can contact you. Many people did not do this in the last swap and several swappers were disappointed and wanted to thank their partners and couldn't.
When you get the email about your partner, PLEASE reply to me to let me know you have it and that you are ready to start. If I don't hear from you I will have to assume that you dropped out.
If you didn't get an e-mail from me, please check your junk mail folder. The email will include blog addresses and sometimes your filters spaz over that and junk them.
If you have any questions, please do contact me through the email and PLEASE always include your name so I know who is contacting me.
Stitched up a couple of handy towels for Autumn...
5 months ago
ah!! i just deleted my junk mail and my partner was in that folder. i've got to stop pressing delete automatically, even when i'm checking that folder. could you please send me my partner info again? :-)
thanks so much for all your hard work. i'm so excited!
I forgot to leave my name (Megan) and my email (
It is about 10:30 on Thursday night and I didn't have anything in my main email or spam or trash. Just wanted to give you a heads up. I can wait until morning but wanted to give you a warning in case you needed to investigate. Thanks Lucy! I can't wait!!!
Hi Lucy,
I haven't gotten my swap partner either...I emailed you too, just in case you don't see this one.
Karen B
Hi Lucy :)
I think something went wrong here as well.. I just came home from holiday yesterday and my junkmail killer deleted about 6000 messages for me..
I'm just thinking yours was in there somewhere, but really.. 6000 is well.. like.. a bit too many to search through..
I hope you could send it again?
thank you so much!
Linda I
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